Tuesday, November 14, 2006

project status

"we accidentally destroyed the french satelite and are now at war with france. On a positive note our headcount expenses are trending downward."

It's been a great last many days. I know I promised to post more often, and I will continue to strive to do better. In the meantime, let's see if I might catch you up a bit...

Last Thursday:
Rise and Shout! BYU rocked - 'nuff said.

Last Friday:
TK, SK and I took the day off and traveled to Satan's summer home (aka Rice Eccles Stadium) to watch the state High School 4A semi finals. We had a great time hanging out together, and we saw lots of other PHS fathers and sons there too.

Too bad Box Elder fell apart in the 4th quarter - it was a heart breaker for them, but Highland was able to capitalize and come back to win in overtime 24-21. (It was 21-7 Box Elder at the start of the 4th quarter...)

Timpview D managed to save the team's collective bacon and keep them in it to the end. They held East twice in the redzone, giving Timpview the win 10-7. Provo represents yo. My prediction? Timpview will easily beat Highland in the 'ship this week.

While at the game I also ran in to a friend from high school who was there with his son. It was great to see him and spend 10-15 minutes catching up. He lives across town, but we don't see each other all that often so it's a genuine pleasure when we do. Turns out that SK and his son were good friends when they both attended Farrer in 7th grade, who knew?

Also on Friday TK took off for California with my younger sister. Thursday night my brother-in-law had called and invited TK to attend the USC - Oregon game with him on Saturday night. Meg heard and said "I've been wanting to get out of town anyway, I'll take him down there", so off they went.

Last Saturday
I got somewhat caught-up on all the church responsibilities (I figure I'm only a couple of weeks behind now - whew) and spent a couple of hours at the church with the primary kids (including QK and Baby Girl) as they prepared for the primary program on Sunday. I love being able to watch the practice, and then the real thing to see the difference.

They really come together on Sunday, no matter the stumbles they have on Saturday. The Lord loves and blesses His little ones for sure, and nothing seems to bring the Spirit quite as quickly as hearing them sing and bear testimony.

In the evening La Reine and I went out with friends and had a nice dinner and fab conversation. It was great to get back into the regular dating schedule now that football is over for the year.

TK also called to report on trip status and the game. He thought it was pretty funny to hang with his uncle and his game crew (my brother-in-law is named Troy in honor of USC - their family is fans of USC like we are of BYU, and yet I didn't name any of my kids Cosmo...), and it was made more interesting by the fact that Troy is a fairly recent convert and his crew still parties like it's 1999. At one point Troy's godfather turned to TK and said "boy hold this for a minute", handed TK his cigar (still lit) while he put on his game shirt. TK said that by the end he was getting just a bit overwhelmed by all the cigar smoke and beer fumes, but that it was worth it to sit in the coliseum and watch USC romp the ducks. (As an aside, TK is a huge football fan, his favorite teams are Florida, Oregon, BYU, and way, way down the list, USC... So he had to be a little careful not to accidentally cheer for Oregon)

It was homecoming for USC and so there was lots of stuff to see and do and a veritable plethora of "hot chicks dad". All in all a great time.

Last Sunday:
The Primary program was a highlight, so was spending time with La Reine's family celebrating birthdays.

I'm looking forward to changing church schedule in the new year so that we have more time for extended family activities in the afternoon's and evenings (I average getting home about 6:30 on Sunday night).

Hope you enjoy Walt Whitman week.

And, as usual, the fam is fab, life is grand, and my heart is full of joy.

warmest regards,



Lyle said...

Come on, we all know that there was a lot of political jockeying to get you in your high and exhalted calling. You can't get enough of it.

I do feel for you. Those types of callings are demanding and fortunately are short lived... unless you're President Wright.

I can't beleive the football season is over. We had high hopes of attending some of the local action, but it seemed that for various reasons form scheduling conflicts to sickness being passed through the entire family and back again, it never happened.

dalene said...

Satan's Summer House. That's pretty funny!

jake roi said...

Lyle - You have no idea of the lobbying, "charity" dinners and such I had to go through.

And President Wright is once again Bishop Wright. That man has been either a bishop or in the stake presidency since I've known him (23+ years).

I find it interesting that you equate "local action" with "football". Then again, I've been to Lubbock, so I'll give you that one.

Compulsive - Every once in a while the muse smacks me a good one. Is it time for a word of the day? And... I'm still working on my challenge. I know I'm taking way to long, but there you go.

word verification = gatbokw is that a hungarian dish? I think it just might be.

jake roi said...

and of course I meant "way too long" not "way to long"...

jake roi said...

Mr. Hammer - I suppose it really depends on how tall Walt is. I mean he could be Gandalf, or he could be Thorin Oakenshield.

Cari said...

I just have to tell you that I got to sit next to Hayleigh on the bus ride back from the field trip yesterday. She cracks me up! She was telling me all about the play and sang songs from it too as if I hadn't been there! It was so fun! I asked her if she liked Belle's pretty dresses and she told me yes and she can see them anytime she wants because she has the movie. So cute!

Megan said...

I don't know if I would be able to have boys. Especially if it required being a part of football. My hubby hammer loves it but me not so much. I know I will probably suffer by commenting about this on your blog. But go PHS (that doesn't stand for Provo) he he. I will admit that going to an actual football game isn't so bad, but watching it on tv? Spare me!

jake roi said...

~cari~ I wondered if it was my little girl you referenced in your blog. I was reasonably certain it was, but now I've proof. She is a cutie (when she's not being a pill) and I suspect it's pretty reasonable that she identifies with princesses since she believes she is one after all.

May You'd love it if/when you have boys. They're a hoot in their own way. And I knew PHS stood for that other school down south of which you're an alum.

And I agree - being there is much, much better.

dalene said...

And not even a word out of you after BYU's last-second miracle win over Utah? Are you OK?

Lyle said...

Can I just say that Hucklebery Finn was not an allusion to Moses leading Isreal out of Egypt. [had a professor at SUU that suggested such]

"pain quotidien"

"My own business always bores me to death; I prefer other people's."

-Oscar Wilde