Monday, December 10, 2007

The Art Critic

Say hello to my little friend, Maximillian Thanksamillion, the up and coming critic of the arts.

Upon completion of my most recent recital, I was walking down the steps from the podium, at which point I glanced at Max, who gave me an endearing smile, and then proceeded to raise his hands in front of him, palm downward, and then rolled them back and forth, back and forth, repeatedly, in the universal sign of "your performance was, how shall I say, mediocre".

Thanks Max! (Sadly, I thought so too... dratted colds)

- jake

(Stolen Photo copyright, Dear Diary, 2007)


Cari said...

That's my boy! That reminded me of this story. What a character!

And, your performance was SO not mediocre! It was awesome! You guys need to perform more often.

Thomas said...

sigh . . . must agree with you, Jared. Colds + singing a somewhat difficult 8 part harmony with only what, one full month of practicing what, once a week? yeah, we sucked eggs...


Cari said...

You guys are way too hard on yourselves. It was great! At least you had a month to practice. Jake and I chose a song right after they asked us and then about two weeks before, another group chose the same song so we ended up changing to I Saw Three Ships but about a day before we found out that was chosen already so we settled on ours. So, yeah, we only had a day and you could totally tell on my part. Oh well.

jake roi said...

Cari - we love all of your kids, but your boys make me laugh in the very best ways. And we plan to sing more often, like on the 23rd in Sacrament Meeting, and then again on January 20th at TK's farewell, er, I mean the Sacrament Meeting at which TK speaks which is just prior to his departure into the MTC etc...

Thomas - I don't think we stank, but more practice and fewer colds (strep, surgery etc.) would have helped.

Hey Jude! said...

He's learned well

"pain quotidien"

"My own business always bores me to death; I prefer other people's."

-Oscar Wilde