Monday, August 29, 2011

A rededication

I recognize that I’m not a very committed blogger. A post once a year whether I need to or not, and then seemingly unable to commit to following through with more than that, regardless of professions to the contrary.

Part of the problem is not having a direction – what do I want to write about? Who am I doing it for?

Secretly I want to write about whatever comes to mind, but I’m worried that when others read it they’ll judge the content or the author. An inner monologue akin to “wow – he thought that was worth writing about? Seriously?”. This is my fear. Will it be funny at the right time, poignant when required. Will people come back to read it because it’s compelling? Will they want to be my friends? Do I care?

I think you get the point here.

I suppose that what I need to do is come up with a focus and then go with it.

To that end, I'm going to attempt writing a blog entry every day in September. Wish me luck, and feel free to comment...

- jake

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"pain quotidien"

"My own business always bores me to death; I prefer other people's."

-Oscar Wilde