Friday, October 06, 2006

why we believe it

In President Faust's Priestood session talk he related the following account:

Many spiritual nutrients come while serving on a mission—from being totally involved in the work of the Master. They come from helping people become spiritually awake so that they can accept the gospel. Over a century ago when Elder J. Golden Kimball presided over the Southern States Mission, he called for a meeting of the elders. They were to meet in a secluded spot in the woods so they would have privacy. One of the elders had a problem with one of his legs. It was raw and swollen to at least twice the size of his other leg. But the elder insisted on attending this special priesthood meeting in the woods. So two of the elders carried him to this meeting place.

Elder Kimball asked the missionaries, "Brethren, what are you preaching?"

They said, "We are preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ."

"Are you telling these people that you have the power and authority, through faith, to heal the sick?" he asked.

They said, "Yes."

"Well then," he continued, "why don't you believe it?"

The young man with the swollen leg spoke up and said, "I believe it." Here is the rest of the story told in Elder Kimball's words: "[The elder] sat down on a stump and the elders gathered around him. He was anointed and I administered to him, and he was healed right in their presence. It was quite a shock; and every other elder that was sick was administered to, and they were all healed. We went out of that priesthood meeting and the elders received their appointments, and there was a joy and happiness that cannot be described." Their nutrient of faith had been replenished and their zeal for missionary work revived.

I was in staff meeting this morning when my phone rang. I glanced down and saw that the call was coming from my younger brother. I was prompted to leave the meeting and answer the call, so I stood from the table, excused myself, stepped outside of the room and answered my phone.

On the other end was Matt. I could not at first understand his words through his tears and his broken voice. After a moment or two, he was able to regain sufficient composure to ask if I would be able to come to the hospital and assist him in administering to his newborn son, my newest nephew. He proceeded to tell me that he'd not wanted to disturb me at work, but he'd tried to get ahold of our Dad and had not been successful.

I stepped back into the meeting, asked for everyone's understanding and informed them that I would need to leave to handle a family emergency, gathered my things and dropped them in my office on the way out.

As I drove to the hospital I prayed to the Father to allow his Spirit to be upon us as we prepared to bless this new little one in his hour of need. I prayed for my brother and his wonderful wife. I prayed for their other children, my sweet neice and nephew, who at 4 and 2 were struggling to understand why they couldn't come and see their new little brother or why both Mommy and Daddy had to be away from them. I prayed for myself that I might be ready and able to assist.

When I arrived at the hospital I was pleased to see that our dad had pulled in to the parking lot just before I, and together we met my brother for the walk upstairs. We first went to my sister-in-law's room for a family prayer, and then proceeded down the hall to the nursery for the blessing.

Tears filled our eyes as our Matt placed his hand on the wire covered stomach of his new little Caleb, with my father's hand on his, and mine on both of theirs, he proceeded to pronounce a blessing.

We are at peace in our faith now. We know that the Lord has the ability to make whole those things which are incomplete. I have experienced it many times in my life, as I'm sure you have.

Dear little Caleb Asher, be well and strong and whole. And may the Lord bless each of us to be the same, through the Atonement of His only Begotten, is my constant prayer.

- jake


Megan said...

It makes you thankful we have the gospel doesn't it?

jake roi said...

Indeed it does. Sweet is the peace the gospel brings.

Incidentally Caleb was breathing normally within an hour of the blessing.

Faith, does in fact, precede the miracle.

Pappy Yokum said...

Thanks for sharing such a faith-filled story. btw- in case you didn't know, I am Purple Hayes's brother.

jake roi said...

Welcome Pappy - and yes, I'd spotted you on senor purple's site.

"pain quotidien"

"My own business always bores me to death; I prefer other people's."

-Oscar Wilde