The rules:
1. Pick up the nearest book (at least 123 pages).
2. Turn to page 123.
3. Find the 5th sentence.
4. Post the 5th sentence on your blog.
5. Tag 5 people.
Here's my line:
"Later researchers concluded that the Dutch word was an import from French, and the entire structure collapsed."
- From "Word Origins ...and how we know them."
The fun thing about this for me is that the quote would have been radically different if I'd been home vs. at work when I ran with this one. Or, more specifically, it would have been different depending on which room of my house I was in. I tend to be a rather voracious reader, and books are scattered all over the house. But the more important question I'm sure you're asking is who reads books like this anyway - I'm a freak, I'll admit it...
Also, please note that I had to use the second closest book, because the first closest book, "Plato and a Platypus Walk into a Bar: Understanding Philosophy Through Jokes" had only 2 sentences on page 123. I was tempted to use the second sentence anyway because it was sweet, reading "There is another existentialist puzzle buried in this cartoon - namely, 'Who the hell do those ducks think they are?'", but I wasn't sure I should cheat like that.
Feel free to take the challenge yourself if you'd like, that's how the fun expands. And thanks CW for the indirect tag.
- jake
Your sentences were delightful. Thanks for playing. And now I'm curious. When you're in the mood I challenge you to give me one from every room in the house...
I might have to find the time to do the same one of these days.
Thanks CW - I'll take that challenge, and post the results sometime this week.
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