Friday, October 27, 2006

and because i still haven't finished anything

here's an interesting exercise.

If you're interested, you may contribute to mine here.

Or should you prefer, you may also choose this anti-version, and contribute to my version of that one here.

Come on - you know you want to. Contribute anonymously and get it out of your system.



Anonymous said...

What? I'm confused. Are you saying we can comment on whatever we want? Well, if that's the case, is deer season over yet? I hate driving down the road and looking over and seeing a dead deer staring at me. It's just disturbing!

( word verification this time..."uawis"! Pretty funny!)

jake roi said...

Well that was certainly an option. I really should wordsmith these things a little better.

And - doesn't deer season actually reduce, for a time, the number of deer on the side of the road? Maybe not...

Bottom line - feel free to comment on whatever you want. The intent of the post was to invite you to contribute to my johari grid, but I suspect you knew that already. ;)

Hey Jude! said...

So have you heard of these things called "Happy Meals"? I tried one yesterday and I was very dissapointed. It didn't make me happy and it wasn't even a meal. What's up with that?

jake roi said...

Hey Jude, I know - doesn't it just bug?

And did you realize that the industrial revolution was neither industrial, nor a revolution?

"pain quotidien"

"My own business always bores me to death; I prefer other people's."

-Oscar Wilde