Thursday, September 21, 2006

A most excellent diversion

Can be found at

Let me know how you fare.

An example
The bluff:
Only one state that ever applied for admittance into the United States was ever rejected.

I said - "No way"

and got this answer:

You’ve been bluf’d: (Along with 47% of the people who saw this bluff) The State of Franklin originally seceded from North Carolina and existed from 1784-1788 in what is now eastern Tennessee. It received 7 votes when it applied to the US Congress for statehood, a majority, but not the necessary 2/3 majority.


Cari said...

Very fun diversion!

One of my "blufr's"...

"The botanical name for the chocolate plant translates to 'food of the gods'."


(Of course the only one that I got right! Me and chocolate go way back!)

By the way...
How was Elton John?

jake roi said...

Excellent - I'm not sure I'd have gotten the chocolate bluff right, but then again, maybe I would have. I didn't know the answer, so it would have been a guess.

Elton John on Tuesday was the best I've ever seen him. Just marvelous. I am writing a separate blog about it, but I loved every last minute of it!

Lyle said...

I'll say that site can be a diversion. I had to stop at 838 before things got out of hand and the children began fending for that smoke coming from the kitchen? jk.

Hey Jude! said...

Just so you know, I played for like 30 min. It's way funny!

"pain quotidien"

"My own business always bores me to death; I prefer other people's."

-Oscar Wilde