Wednesday, September 27, 2006

waiting for wednesday

I've been reading a new book entitled "America's Constitution, A Biography" by Akhil Reed Amar, a law professor at Yale university and noted constitutional law expert. I've not made too much progress in the book as yet (I only started it yesterday) but I'm loving it.

I've always been one who believes that it's incumbent on each citizen to have an fine understanding of the law and civil process etc. For those of you who enjoy understanding the constitution, this book is an awesome read. If you don't enjoy it, but you feel compelled to understand more about the history of the constitution, still a great read. I'll plan to summarize and give a review when I've completed the book.

Let me know your thoughts - does this intrigue you as much as it does me?


Lyle said...

Does it come with pictures?

Constitution? Is that like a daily morning stroll through the neighborhood?

Okay, enough wise cracks. I'll wait for the review from his majesty.

jake roi said...

No pictures yet - and I think you mean "constitutional".

It's an engrossing read so far. I'm about a third though, so I should have that review sometime early next week.


Lyle said...

jake roi- of course that is what I was referrign to, but do you think today's average college freshmen would know the difference? The schools have downgraded history to the same level of importance as basket weaving.

...early next week huh? That's a lot of throne time....tee hee.

jake roi said...

lmbo, throne time! Have you been speaking to my children by chance?

"pain quotidien"

"My own business always bores me to death; I prefer other people's."

-Oscar Wilde