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Let me know how you fare.
An example
The bluff:
Only one state that ever applied for admittance into the United States was ever rejected.
I said - "No way"
and got this answer:
You’ve been bluf’d: (Along with 47% of the people who saw this bluff) The State of Franklin originally seceded from North Carolina and existed from 1784-1788 in what is now eastern Tennessee. It received 7 votes when it applied to the US Congress for statehood, a majority, but not the necessary 2/3 majority.
Very fun diversion!
One of my "blufr's"...
"The botanical name for the chocolate plant translates to 'food of the gods'."
(Of course the only one that I got right! Me and chocolate go way back!)
By the way...
How was Elton John?
Excellent - I'm not sure I'd have gotten the chocolate bluff right, but then again, maybe I would have. I didn't know the answer, so it would have been a guess.
Elton John on Tuesday was the best I've ever seen him. Just marvelous. I am writing a separate blog about it, but I loved every last minute of it!
I'll say that site can be a diversion. I had to stop at 838 before things got out of hand and the children began fending for that smoke coming from the kitchen? jk.
Just so you know, I played for like 30 min. It's way funny!
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